Monday, December 15, 2008

Progression Of Evil

We had such a wonderful time in Minneapolis! But I have to say, I'm glad to be in good old GA right now, as it's in the 60's (I'm in a sleeveless shirt) and Rachel called me last night to share that the temp in MN today, with windchill, should hit -40. Yes, forty degrees below zero. The weather while we were there was great, however. Fun snow and winteriness at temperatures in the 30's.

Daddy had a last minute work crisis to deal with, so Andrew and I flew up by ourselves and met Phil later that evening. This was Andrew's first flight with his own seat. Beeden (his blanket), books, snacks and The Wonderpets (cartoon he loves) made the trip quite enjoyable.

Melvina's been pretty ticked at me lately as she has not been included on our last couple adventures. Trying to make up for it, I got her her own seat on the plane as well. She freaked out when we took off and tried to order a Bloody Mary from the drink cart to settle her nerves, but she forgot her ID (apparently she doesn't look 21) and didn't have any cash, so she had to settle for some fruit snacks and ginger ale.

She was so relieved to be on solid ground again that she flung herself headlong into a snow bank after we landed. (What the %*&! recruit?!)

Andrew and Weatherson* had a blast together. Here they are after major bath time fun.

They did lots of running and playing together. This "open and close the door" game was a favorite.

Sledding on the campus of Bethel University (where Wade teaches chemistry) was one of the highlights of the trip.

Back in the Neiwerts cozy cottage, we settled in for evenings of games and lots of laughing. Melvina took every opportunity to cozy up with Wade. She's got a thing for guys in REI jackets.

Rachel told me she had been talking with Wade before we arrived and shared with him that Nibblet was now kicking all about so even people on the outside could feel it. "I'm not going to have to touch it, am I?" Wade responded in horror. Well, that's all I needed to hear. If it's within my power to make my gracious host feel terribly uncomfortable, I just can't help myself.

Precious most certainly couldn't be bothered with silly things like naps on our first two days, but fell right asleep 45 minutes before we had to leave on Sunday. Oh how in pained me to wake this little guy!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Wade and Rachel! We'll never forget it!


Jean Joiner said...

poor little guy asleep like that at the last minute...traveling is the worst with kids.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you haven't fallen for another Melvina!!! I was worried that months apart would dampen your love for me! I on the other hand will never sit on another's shoulder.

Brea said...

That video is the best! I'm glad you got to spend some good time with Rachel and that the weather wasn't sub-zero!

nannykim said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time; who would have wanted to sleep with all ov that going on!

trmills said...

Your fellows are so handsome! Love those snow boots on Andrew and Phil's debonair coat and scarf- looking like the help just picked him up from the airport:). Wish Asa Bear could've been on the couch with the boys post-bathtime!

Anonymous said...

Oh Carrothead, I assure you my heart remains true! It was just a moment of weakness, brought about by your prolonged absence. I'm sending you your own REI jacket for Christmas. I will not sit on another shoulder 'til I see you again.

Unknown said...

You are a brave soul to fly alone with a 2 year old so often!

Jenni said...

While I'm a bit disturbed by Melvina's alcoholism and Phil's elegant sledding gear, I love that you aren't afraid to help others with their irrational fears of wiggly fetuses. Yet, another check in the pro column for our bffness.

nannykim said...

Ps. I love Melvina---love love love her. Please try to protect her from snow dives---she could get very dirty!