I'm posting with one hand while my girl sleeps in the crook of my other arm, so this won't be my wordiest of entries.
Somehow I must have blinked and Elsbeth is already a week old! A week and 2 days to be exact. She's still mostly eating and sleeping and making tremendous piles of diapers, but we're definitely getting longer stretches with her eyes open - sometimes over an hour. She appears to be incredibly laid back, though I realize to make such a pronouncement this early on is dangerous.
My dad unexpectedly was able to sneak in a quick visit to meet his first granddaughter, which was a treat. Don't you just love that onsie?

Phil was the only one to make it to the Easter service, and I meant to have Andrew dye eggs but we never got farther than the boiling phase. Precious did, however, get an Easter basket with goodies from Mommy, Daddy, Nina, and a package from Nannie. Here he is stuffing peppermint patties into his mouth as fast as he could unwrap them.

Nina had to go home today, blast and wretch, and though I hopefully will manage to care for 2 little sweeties on my own without bloodshed or the fire dept. or gnashing of teeth (OK, there may be a little tooth gnashing), I do find it hard to imagine ever leaving the house again. This is why I'm especially pleased that Andrew has decided our less-than-ideal yard is still an acceptable play area.
Here he is jamming a stick into a drainage pipe he found . . .

. . . rolling balls down the driveway . . .

. . . and "smelling beautiful flowers." I love that the weeds are beautiful flowers in his mind. I also love that he smells things by pressing them firmly against his lips. Could pose a problem if he decides to take a whiff of, say, rotten cabbage, but it works alright for dandelions.

He still seems quite cool with his little sis. He checks in on her activities momentarily throughout the day and has become an expert drive-by-head-kisser.

Nibblet was a little jaundiced, so I had a stretch of feeding her every 2 hours whether she wanted it or not, and Nina and I took turns sitting with her by a window during the day. Here's a little slice of life during window time:
We checked in with the doctor on Friday and she declared her jaundice "minimal." Whoo hoo! No more waking up a sleeping mommy and baby at 3am! She weighed in at exactly 7 pounds, so no more weight checks either. Happiness.

Dang. I'm wordy even with only one hand.

He still seems quite cool with his little sis. He checks in on her activities momentarily throughout the day and has become an expert drive-by-head-kisser.

Nibblet was a little jaundiced, so I had a stretch of feeding her every 2 hours whether she wanted it or not, and Nina and I took turns sitting with her by a window during the day. Here's a little slice of life during window time:
We checked in with the doctor on Friday and she declared her jaundice "minimal." Whoo hoo! No more waking up a sleeping mommy and baby at 3am! She weighed in at exactly 7 pounds, so no more weight checks either. Happiness.

Dang. I'm wordy even with only one hand.
Oh, Christy! She is beautiful. I am so impressed you are blogging and posting pictures and videos with a newborn only 1 week (and 2 days) old. Just can't wait to meet her!!
Hi Christy~ you've posted to my blog a couple times and I just checked in on Rachel's and saw your good news. Congratulations on your sweet girl!
I'm really impressed with your skills at one-handed typing. I'm still working on mine. Actually I think I'm more impressed at you posting pics and video with one hand. I can't even manage to get my pictures posted right with both hands.
I'm sure you'll be emerging into the real world again sooner than you think! Hang in there. You have 2 beautiful scooter bickses.
Oh and BTW I have found M likes to eat every 2 hours still - thank goodness she slept for 9 hours without a peep though!! I figure if she continues to sleep well I'll feed her all she wants, right?
PS-it's great fun when you find yourself bouncing the remote or laptop with one hand while bouncing the baby with the other :-)
Christy, Your little girl is as beautiful as your little boy. How fun! I'm sure you'll be out and about with both of them like an old pro before you know it. :-)
Nina misses all her loved ones already! I'll be back to roll balls down the driveway and hold little one in my arms for hours as soon as possible.
I find typing with one hand very constricting, but I like how you didn't let it hold you back. Elsbeth is doing a great job with the passie, and she is a beauty. How are the covers working out?
OK - so I had already composed my comment in my head and when I read Gil's it was practically word for word. I can only hope that it's great minds think alike... although, in my case, that seems presumptuous.
I love to see the "my girl" thrown in there. Aren't girls fun (not that I have any experience with the other kind)? And still an amazing blogger down a hand and several hours of sleep. I'm just overflowing with happiness for yous guys. I can't wait to meet her! Maybe she'll be awake on Tuesday. See you soon!
What a lovely little bundle of joy. I can't wait to meet her!
if you never leave the house again, i would be super sad...and HC is already missing andrew, and made me play the video multiple times.
Christy, she is just absolutely beautiful!
Amazing! You and Andrew and Shiloh and Elsbeth!
How could you and your family become more gorgeous--only if you added ANOTHER beautiful baby, which you have done fabulously! And I don't know if you have yet to experience this, but watching your video reminded me of my "going-to-two" guilt. I was SO afraid for my older one getting SO much less attention when the little baby arrived. THEN, I realized, it is the little baby who ends up sitting there while the older one ends up with the video time (those big kids are just so much less lethargic). My youngest has many, many pictures of him in his bouncy chair. So I had the guilt right, just misplaced on the wrong baby:>.
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