Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Am A Martyr To My Own Generosity

I've recently figured out a few things about myself - you might want to sit down and take some notes ... this gets pretty deep. Ready? I am a introverted pessimistic spaz, and there's nothing to be done about it. Doesn't that make you want to come hang out? These personality traits intensify exponentially every hour the later it gets after 9pm (Phil has devised a formula determining what shall henceforth be known as the Freak Factor). Here's a fun conversation we had at 2am Friday:

Christy: (rushing into the bedroom with cooing baby in arms) Phil, Elsbeth is really hot. What should I do?

Phil: (bleary-eyed, rolls over and lays hand upon his daughter) She feels fine.

C: She's burning up! I mean, feel her feet! Seriously, open your eyes and feel her feet! She's on fire! (baby grins at Daddy)

P: She doesn't feel all that hot to me. Maybe she has a little fever. You should just put her back to bed.

C: (wild-eyed, chewing her nails and trying to decide between tossing baby in the car and racing to the ER vs. calling an ambulance) I really think we should take her temperature.

P: (lets out a huge sigh, takes a look at the time and does a quick Freak Factor calculation, then knowing there's nothing else to be done, stumbles off to find the thermometer)

C: (takes temperature of baby now annoyed at being on changing table while rudely probed by thermometer ... temperature reads 105 ... Freak Factor shoots through the roof) HA! Look! (said in a voice laced with an even mixture of panic and gloat)

P: There is no way her temperature is 105. She would be glassy-eyed and limp as a dishrag if her temperature was 105.

C: (uses last shred of sanity to entertain the thought that husband might have a point) I'll take it again. (baby loves this idea ... thermometer reads 107 ... shows thermometer to husband, not sure whether to scream and run in hysterical circles or laugh and throw thermometer away)

P: She'd be dead.

C: Alright, I'll take it one more time. (baby totally TO'd, thermometer reads 102, feeling totally insecure about how to react) Maybe this is more likely?

P: Oh, so now you're going to start believing this thing?

C: Well, what do we do?

P: Give her some Motrin and go back to bed.

End of story: I gave her some Motrin, rocked her until she felt cooler, she slept all night and now appears to have a little cold that, other than occasionally causing her to sneeze unearthly amounts of bleck out of her little snoot, hasn't really bothered her all that much.

In other news ... it's almost Christmas, and we're having all kinds of Christmasy fun 'round here. Here's a picture of Family Movie Night where we ate pizza and watched Rudolph. Andrew loved it but has since announced that he's not a fan of the movie because of Abominable and the head elf that fusses at Herbie.

Elsbeth, Andrew and I also went out, picked out a tree, got it inside, and decorated it all by ourselves as a surprise for Daddy. I made the mistake of mentioning to Phil that the guy at Pike's that helped me was named Andrew and also happened to be really, really ridiculously good-looking, and now all day long I hear comments about Andrew the Tree Guy and how he probably would be really good at doing the dishes, and though supper was good, it probably would have been better if Andrew the Tree Guy had been here, etc.

And here's a picture taken during my Christmas card photo shoot ... I didn't use it since you can't see Elsbeth's face, but I love it still.

Last weekend me and my Nib had a girls' weekend in North Carolina. We stayed with my Aunt Amy, Uncle Mark and cousin Ashton and had the most amazing afternoon tea (Martha Stewart has nothing on my Auntie). Many members of my beloved family were in attendance ... 4 generations of Glendenning women represented ... it was so wonderful. So, of course, I forgot my camera. Ahhhhhh! What's wrong with me?! But Elsbeth did so well - flew well, slept well, and gave everyone big grins from the safety of my hip (she's gotten a bit attached to that spot). I was so thrilled that she traveled well and have hope that our Christmas visits in South Carolina will go so smoothly.


Phil Mobley said...

I've gotten pretty attached to your hips too. I'll bet Andrew the Tree Guy liked them as well. :-P

Christy said...


Brea said...

It just occurred to me that I don't know your maiden name...Glenden?

That defective thermometer seemed to be in cahoots with your late-night zaniness to nearly drive you over the edge! But really, who can be expected to be completely sane at 2 AM?

Phil Mobley said...

Brea, I'M completely sane at 2:00 am. That's why God invented husbands. :-)

Christy said...

Actually, my maiden name is Martin. My grandmother's maiden name is Glendening ... my grandmother, her sister, her sister's daughters, their daughters and my daughter were all there. :-)

Aunt Jill said...

I vividly remember those long, dark nights when I thought my precious needed to go the the ER...she was an ear infection babe! Just loved the Glendenning tea. I'm so glad to be a member of the clan. Love Aunt Jill ( I just figured out how to leave a commment)

Nina of the Precious and the Nibblet said...

I do hope someone gives Andrew the Tree Guy a link to your blog! I know it would totally make his holiday season.
(your grandmother's maiden name is spelled Glendenning--double "n" near the end).

Christy said...

Glendenning edit performed. I had a feeling it wasn't right.

Christi said...

Awww... that last photo is so sweet.

Georgia Girl said...

Love it, Love IT, LOVE IT!! We have been round and round with a cold that became bronchiolitis, ear infection and then a throat infection. Fun stuff. Where was Andrew the Tree Guy when I needed him? Haha - can't believe you didn't have your camera and force him to take a picture with you. ;-)

On another note, I've always thought of you more as and extroverted pessimistic spaz...JK! Anyway I guess that's why we get along so well.

Unknown said...

Oh. I know what Phil's getting you for Christmas...a nice new thermometer :) That interaction is JUST like Wally and me. I mean totally, including the timing, attitude, and who does what. Perfect.

You are NOT an introvert. There's no way.

Lastly, when oh when are we ever going to see each other again?

Christy said...

Oh, I am so totally an introvert. Being around people, though sometimes wonderful and fun, exhausts me. Phil could go do things and hang out with groups of people every night of the week, while I feel like I have to conserve and portion out my human interaction energy.

What made you think I'm an extrovert? The fact that I decided you, me and Heather should wear pantyhose filled with oranges around our necks to Blockbuster? :-) See, I'm wierd and not shy, but I'd only have the energy to do something like that, say, once a week.

And if you'd moved to Atlanta like you were SUPPOSED to, we'd get to see each other all the time! Think of the fabulous outings we could be having! I have wigs now ...

trmills said...

If you are an ISP, you're a brilliant and self-aware one, and we love you. Thank you for the laugh today; you must also share about desperately searching for a baby in the covers in the night and your irrational horror when you pull Shiloh up instead...

Unknown said...

we're sure hoping to find out that at least the granddaddy of the precious and the niblet is still sane??? please say it's so!!!

all our love,