Friday, March 7, 2008

My Dignity Has Been Stained Since Last Thursday, And Now I Laugh At Everything

I won't lie to you. I love a pirate party. I took Emily's advice and got the gigantor cyclops eye patch and snazzy head wear to complete my look for Joseph's welcome back pirate soiree. This is the best my hair has looked in a month.

I can't bring myself to throw away the eye patch box. Alfonso is simply too alluring. It's as if he's saying to me, "If you think I'm sexy with this eye patch, you're going to go crazy when I show you my colostomy bag and clubbed foot."

It was great to see Gillian again. Aren't we menacing? I love that she's holding a juice box (I'm not sure what I was doing with my hand - it looks kind of gross and withered.)

And here is our guest of honor. I think that's a sword dangling there by his side.

Andrew was violently opposed to letting me draw a beard on him - I was so disappointed. He was also not down with the hat but kindly agreed to don it long enough for a picture.

The Mobley festivities continued as Phil and I got to house sit and hang out with some big kids for a few days. Here's Andrew gazing out of the Beaver's front door with Shiloh, Friday (the golden retriever) and Addie. It's a whole different ballgame when you have a dog who can rest his chin on the kitchen table and thus sample the food placed there upon with little effort. The look on Andrew's face when Friday walked calmly away with the muffin he had been eating was pretty funny.

I'm experiencing covetous feelings toward the Beaver's back yard: Flat and full of play things that Andrew enjoyed tremendously.

Andrew also fell madly in love with the Beaver's youngest kids, Livingston* and ZuZu* (their oldest was with Beaver Mom on a class trip, or Andrew would certainly have loved her as well). Alas, I have no photographic evidence of ZuZu's existence - she shrieked when I pointed the camera in her direction - but The Precious thought she was fabulous, and she spent a good deal of time patiently bringing me up to speed on Zac Efron and The Jonas Brothers.

Andrew and Livingston on the trampoline ...

... and sliding ...

...and swinging.

This guy was SO good to my baby and acquiesced to countless agee's, which means he spent every afternoon jumping and sliding and swinging for hours. And one morning I came downstairs to find him on a chair putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher. Wow.

* Names have been changed to protect the innocent.


Brea said...

John wants to know whether you drove to the pirate party with the eye patch on?

Christy said...

I thought about it. If it hadn't covered half my face and been extremely distracting, I might have. This was the only time I can remember thinking it would be kinda fun to get pulled over. :-)

trmills said...

Have I told you about the time in November when we came into the bonus room to find Livingston sitting with Emmy, reading from a Bible storybook and singing songs? I don't know how those Beavers do it. We've tried to arrange a marriage agreement, but apparently they've had other offers and are keeping their options open.

PS- Thanks for the great pirate pictures. I'm super impressed with your beard.

Emily said...

Oh, my goodness. The utter fantastic-ness. It is so much more than I could have hoped for and makes me regret living too far away to attend Joseph's party. You could totally be an eye patch model; and don't let those Robinson's make you feel defensive about driving with only half your eyesight. John is just jealous that you can pull a patch off when so many people can't.

Peamama said...

I think "Flents" needs a new Eye Patch model. Alfonso is nothing next to you!