Saturday, May 24, 2008

Old York, Old York, We Got The Spleen

This week we got settled back into our old routines and decided to show Melvina some of our favorite haunts, like the zoo. We met up with my friend Jane and her adorable little boy, Tybalt.* I'm such a sucker for sweet, blue eyes ....

Melvina found the elephant so intriguing that she threw caution to the wind and leaned precariously over the muddy water hole for the best view. Made me nervous, so I finally had to insist we move on.

Jane secured my respect and admiration after charming a Dasani from Large Bald Man.

As ever, the petting zoo was a hit.

I loved the way this goat posed for the picture.

Actually, all the goats here are really quite agreeable. This friendly fellow let MPB take a quick snooze on his back.

And though he initially found the idea degrading, this gentleman finally agreed to give her an official goat ride (after we slipped him a fiver).

Upon spying Oreo here (his actual name), Melvina was overcome with emotion thinking she had stumbled upon Great-Aunt Fanny Pork Bag, sold to the circus years ago after a rumor circulated indicating she had acquired a taste for ham biscuits.** Melvina handled the disappointment as well as could be expected, and she and Oreo decided to become pen pals.

I think this was Andrew's favorite part - trying to climb into the bin of animal brushes.

With such fun to be had in Atlanta, it really is a wonder that people move to ridiculous places like Minneapolis, Bangkok, Franklin and Siloam Springs.

*Name changed to protect the innocent.

** She was eventually exonerated - it all being a cruel joke played by an ex - but too late. Her whereabouts are still unknown.


trmills said...

You'd really be bored if you came to this part of the world. I hardly ever see goats. But I must say that I'm looking forward to the break from the monotony of SE Asia and getting back to the excitement of Atlanta! Asa sends a big smooch to Andrew...

Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

So hilarious...I think my girls might enjoy an outing with Melvina.

ErinM said...

If it makes you feel any better about Melvina's adventures with the elephants, they were scrubbing and refilling the pond when we were there a week ago. It's probably as clean as it ever gets.

Let us know when you're up for another zoo adventure!

nannykim said...

Looks like you had some beautiful weather for the zoo!

Anonymous said...

What a joy to see that my weirdo neighbors could finally be put to some use!

Brea said...

Seriously, why would anyone ever want to live anywhere besides the ATL???

Anonymous said...

I know Uncle Andrew would have loved to visit the goats along with MPB and company. We'll have to keep our eyes open for Aunt Fanny Pork Bag next time we go to Waccattee Zoo!

jane said...

tybalt(sp?) really did have a blast and has been snorting every now and again... maybe trying to help find fanny?