Monday, November 24, 2008

Hairless Cat With A Colostomy Bag

Here I am, 4 months along with my darling Nibblet. I can't believe I will be officially halfway through my pregnancy next week - time is flying!

I had the most hilarious conversation with the Precious about the Nibblet a couple days ago. First, he informed me that the baby was growing in my left boob, which entertained me greatly. I showed him my sizable tummy and told him that, oddly enough, the baby was growing in there. He had quite a time sticking his finger into my belly button over and over, "Baby in there?" Then he asked to see the baby and pressed his face to my stomach, eye up against the belly button, to get a peek. I tried to explain that the baby had to grow for a while yet before we'd get to see him/her, but that one day he would come out to stay. He ended the conversation by once again pointing to my belly button and declaring, "Baby come out big hole."

Daddy is traveling again ... sadness ... so we decided to brighten up the day with lunch out at a nearby Mexican restaurant. Andrew loves this place. It was adorable.


Jenni said...

You are RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous as a pregnant woman--when I was pregnant, both of my babies did not reside in my left breast, nor my belly, but in my backside--my very, very large backside. My large bottom was not helped by the gigantic bowls of chips and salsa that I consumed on a daily basis. You look as if you eat tofu and soy on your daily basis.

Phil Mobley said...

Jenni, I agree with you about the gorgeous thing, but I can vouch for the fact that she is definitely NOT eating tofu and soy. Perhaps you intended to type "bacon" and "Fritos."

Heather Iverson said...

I just love baby belly pictures. You look wonderful!

Cute video. I love listening to Andrew talk. He is indeed precious.

Peamama said...

Adorable footage, but get that boy his tall glass of Dr. Peppa!! S.J. sends him one, too.

Jenni said...

Oh, if you believed I was taking this best friendship a bit too far, you should NOT have let it be known (via your comment on Em's blog) that you are reading the much sought after teen-age vampire romance books. We will now acknowledge our bffness by becoming blood sisters--you know, you bite my wrist, I'll bite your pinky. If this frightens you, just remember, you are reading a teen-age vampire romance book. Also, because you eat bacon and Fritos (and despite the fact that you don't look as such) we will be forever cronies.

Jenni said...

Also, we will go to and see the movie together 356 times before we turn 40. I have already seen it once. How about you?

Unknown said...

Yumstas. I want that lunch. You DO look amazing. And I can't help but ask...him? I guess you probably haven't found out yet?

nannykim said...

Wow 1/2 way there--how hard to believe. So exciting.

Christy said...

Eowyn, I'm flattered (nearly) beyond words that you think I look OK as a pregnant lady, since I'm pretty sure I'm as big now as you were at 9 months with both your darling babies! :-)

Oh, and the "him" stuff. I just get tired of writing "him/her," and "it" just feels wrong, so I'm using the universal "he." I have my ultrasound next week, but I think we're going to wait until the grand unveiling in April to find out.

Jenny, we've got to get together soon! I've only got 9 years to fit in 355 viewings of Twilight! Does this number apply only to this first movie, or to any forthcoming sequels? Will it count if we're watching it at the same time, each with our computers in our laps?

Here's to bacon-wrapped Fritos and wacky people across the US whom we've never met but stalk online and wish to bite should we ever be in close enough proximity to do so. Cheers!

Georgia Girl said...

I really like Andrew's face on the video at the beginning...his nose all wrinkled up as he stuffs his face with a chip. Too cute! I am so into eating these days...mmmm, Mexican.

Georgia Girl said...

Here's to bacon wrapped fritos!!!

Jean Joiner said...

e was convinced he could talk to c through my belly button. hopefully precious doesn't lift up your shirt in public like e would attempt to do.

Anonymous said...

We need more!