Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mean Scarlett Deceiver

I actually put on a smidge of makeup the other day, and Andrew decided to get in on the action. He's big into smelling everything, like, say, brown eye shadow. I hope you can see what a lovely shade of lip stick he selected. I talked him out of the mascara.

He's also been enjoying drawing circles. He did this all by himself (the lines inside are his attempt at coloring it in). I know I'm a little biased, but I was really impressed! That's pretty much what my circles look like.

Elsbeth has had a better week as far as fussiness goes. We haven't gone many places, but she's only cried part of the time in the car (and has even fallen asleep!) She has high-maintenance times when she likens being set down to being set on fire, but I feel like we're getting more and more stretches when she's enjoying just looking around in her bouncey seat. She seems a lot more alert, and she sort of smiled at my torso yesterday. She has the most beautiful smile!

Rachel, you will be happy to know that this is a photo taken earlier today of Andrew helping prep my bathroom for hideous wall paper removal. Taking down the hideous wall paper in the other bathrooms was a piece of cake ... it's looking like this one is going to be beastly. Blast. (Please take note of the socks.)

We had a few days when the weather got rather chilly at night, and Andrew fell in love with this green blanket. He now carries it all over the house with him and wants it draped over him every evening even when it makes him sweat.

Which brings me back to the smelling thing. Really, he wants to smell everything, and then he wants me to smell it, too. I've had to smell that green blanket 10 times this week. Other things he's smelled (and asked me to smell) recently: Shiloh, outside brickwork in Decatur, Beeden, wooden food ... ahhh, my mind is going blank. There were so many more bizaro things.

Oh, and here I am with my Nib in the Moby wrap. It's pretty easy to tell there's a baby in there when she's hanging out, but when I've got her all bundled inside, it kind of looks like I'm pregnant really high on my body. I get some funny looks when I'm in public, but it's worth it. She loves that thing.

I debated posting this last picture, but it's funny and it's late and I'm a little loopy, so here goes. Look at what Precious has proudly stuck to the front of his shirt:

He found them in my bathroom and was desperately curious as to what they were. I wanted to be sort of honest, but as vague as possible, so I told him they were like giant band-aids. Well, that was all he needed to hear. He LOVES band-aids and decorates himself with them on a regular basis, so I shouldn't have been surprised that he decided to wear one. I had a good laugh and let him go around the house like that for a while, but when we were leaving to go to a friend's house, he really didn't want to give it up. I finally traded him two Spiderman band-aids for it.

(He found and wore another one a few days later and asked me politely not to laugh this time.)


jane said...

oh my how hilarious! the bandaid suggestion is pretty honest- good thinking on your feet!
can i repost this on my blog? much of what you wrote is so similar to what we are experiencing-- anna almost smiled at the mess of post-showered(which is rare)unbrushed hair above my head... and she certainly thinks being set down is like being put in a fire. i however could not post a picture of her sleeping in the bouncy b/c within moments of being set in it sound asleep she wakes up to let us all know that she has been completely abandoned in the most terrifying place ever! she does however spend 80% of my waking hours in the moby wrap ;-)

Christi said...

Ha! Andrew will absolutely die when he sees that photo later in life.

Georgia Girl said...

The circles are fabulous! I saw some similar drawings on our driveway and didn't believe Mark when he said they were Calebs.

I also love the Moby - where do you get that? Is it too late to try one? I have used my sling with Maddy and she seems content enough but it's not always comfortable for me.

Hang in there! Soon enough she'll be running away from you all the time.

Jean Joiner said...

glad your torso got a smile...i want to know how you explain tampons. i call them special toilet paper and that seems to work so far.

Crazy Aunt Sallie said...

The next time Andrew asks what something is you should say, "What do you think it is" just to see what fabulous ideas a toddler mind can come up with. :)

Brea said...

Ah, the strangely pregnant look of the moby wrap...how would we get by without those things?!?

Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

bandaids! hilarious!

Jenni said...

How would my five-year-old look in the Moby? Can you be at my homei n the morning when my five-year-old continues his persistent line of questioning regarding the specific locale of babies entrance into this world? Are you aware that those offspring of yours could not possibly be any more adorable?

Moby Wrap said...

I love the picture of your little girl in the Moby Wrap. She looks perfectly content. You look like a master of baby wrapping with the fabric evenly spread across your shoulders too! Way to go...