Thursday, January 31, 2008

Aunt Agatha, The Nephew Crusher

My Precious One is officially a year-and-a-half as of yesterday. This seems extraordinarily old and milestoneish to me for some reason. I even toyed around with the idea of being quite clever and adorable and baking him half a birthday cake, putting him in a fun hat, singing to him and generally making a big to-do. But alas, as it turns out I am not Rhianna Mills (much to my dismay) and the most exciting thing that happened all day was me scooping 12 gallons of rain water out of his sandbox because I forgot to cover it.

Here's my boy proudly displaying the sticker he earned at his 18-month doctor's appointment this morning. (He's wearing the sticker in a more conventional manor in the top photo.)

The appointment went well - only one shot this time! He's weighing in at 22 pounds 6 ounces (10th percentile) and is 32.75 inches tall (50th percentile). His scrawn didn't seem to worry the doctor as much this time, although he did inquire after Andrew's Pediasure intake. I had to reply in the negatory, since although Andrew has no objection to guzzling soapy tub water or eating an entire tube of chap stick, he will have nothing to do with Pediasure. (Trying to get rid of the stuff, I pawned a bottle off on Uncle Bradley during his visit, touting its weight-gaining properties. The man who lived for months on MREs and ate baby octopus pasta in Germany had to hold his breath in order to get the one bottle down, then shook his head decidedly when another was offered.) The doctor then had the gall to tell me, after my selling several rather important body organs to buy this stuff, that Carnation Instant Breakfast ($1.99 a box) would do the same thing and suggested I give it a try. Nice.

The pediatrician's office has 2 doctors, and really, they're both great. That said, I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get Dr. Rich today. I love Dr. Rich. I want Dr. Rich to be my friend and come hang out and give me free doctorly advice. When I ask Dr. Rich a question, she looks at me as though I'm not a complete idiot for asking, thoughtfully considers her reply, then shares it with me in a manner that indicates that she really cares. Today I had a question for the other guy. This is how our conversation went down:

Me: "Dr. Man, I was wondering what advice you might give me about blah."

Dr: (sprinting for the door as though he would win a large car for completing our visit in 12 seconds) "Blah? Just do blah. He'll scream bloody murder for about 3 days or so and then he'll be fine."

He did, however, find the time to squeeze in some very helpful advice such as "always hold his hand when he's playing in the street" and "don't leave him alone when he's teetering on a precipice."

In other news, His Preciousness seems to really enjoy wearing things on his hands, and since his mittens weren't close by he decided to accessorize his new outfit (thank you Auntie!) with a pair of my socks. They're no ear monkeys to be sure, but fun in their own special way.


Brea said...

Christy, you have the gift of making the mundane completely hilarious! I was fully entertained!

Anonymous said...

I do not deserve, but am so very grateful for the privilege of being Nana to TCBITW AND Mom to TFDITW!

Hint: F=synonym for humorous
D=antonym for son

Anonymous said...

OK, before the grammar police get me, I realize I must make a correction.

In the "hint" section of my previous comment, please read

H=synonym for most humorous

There, with that corrected I'll sleep much better!

Unknown said...

How was he when you had to remove that sticker from his hair? Is that what you asked the sprinting Dr?

Georgia Girl said...

Alas, if only my doctor would tell me I needed to gain weight.

And I'd like to know about the sticker removal as well. Looks as though all his hair is still there in the bottom photos!

Christy said...

Fortunately he had played with the sticker on the way home from the doctor's office, and thus it had lost the majority of its stickiness. Andrew pulled it off himself with no bald patch resulting. :-)