Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hi, My Name's Chandler. Could I Be Wearing Any More Clothes?

We've got quite the festival of pets going on right now. The new addition is the adorable long-haired dachshund on the left named Sammie, first born of Phil's friend and co-worker Dana. Sammie and Shiloh have become fast friends, eating each other's food and responding to all neighborhood sounds (real or imagined) with tirades of barking. Sammie loves Andrew and takes every opportunity to lick his face as though I'd dipped him in yogurt and covered him in chocolate buttons. I've also discovered that he waits sneakily near any door leading to the great outdoors, and, should it open, finds great joy and delight in running away as fast as he can. He actually caused me to sprint yesterday for the first time in ... ever.

Dear sweet Ashley (from my old office) kept Precious for me this afternoon while I visited Dr. Robinson for additional masses of dental work. He did his best with the bottle to date (Andrew, not Dr. R.) and had a lovely time playing with the xylophone, cars and other assorted toys Ashley's daughters so generously sent for his amusement. I found out during my visit that Emily had been to see Dr. R. only a few hours before. I pumped the good doctor for any dirt on Em's dental hygiene, hoping to hear that she had 47 cavities and was actually considering dentures, thereby making my mere eight cavities and crown look downright respectable. He said something ridiculous about "patient confidentiality" and wouldn't tell me a thing. She's probably completely cavity free and weighing the pros and cons of being the next Crest spokesperson. Everything in life just comes so darned easy for her.

I've got to go now, scrub some diapers with a toothbrush, then run them through the dishwasher. Seriously.

Simon showing some cleavage

Sallie & Stephanie


Poppy V said...

Poor Stephanie. She would have done well in Season 5. Too many more distinctive female voices this year.

Poor Simon. He really could use a bra, don't you think??

Christy said...

I know! I thought Stephanie was a real cutie patootie. Perhaps we should send Simon a manziere (or a Wonder Bro?), just because we care. A nicely padded number. I think he'd appreciate our thoughtfulness.

Anonymous said...

Eight cavities my dear,
the reason I fear,
May be too much SCB
before bed.

Anonymous said...

Is it the toothbrushes or the diapers that are going through a dishwasher cycle? This is an issue of serious concern if I am to eat off of plates that have also been in said dishwasher.

trmills said...

The look on Andrew's face in that picture is priceless. And he's sitting up so big, just like big brother Shiloh!

Brea said...

Andrew looks a lot like Phil to me in that picture...what's the general consensus on who he favors?

Anonymous said...

I'm craving a new post! Help!

Christy said...

Nana - yes, it was the diapers that I was running through the dishwasher. But they were clean diapers ... scrubbed with a toothbrush and everything. Doesn't that make you feel better?

Rhi - took me a year-and-a-half to get them all to look at me at one time. :-)

Brea- yeah, everyone's telling me he looks just like his daddy. :-) One of our Afghani friends took one look at him and said, "A copy of Phil!"

Sallie - you have made my morning, requesting a new entry. If the pets will stop spewing things onto the carpet for a moment, I hope to work on one. :-)