Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Don't Know How They Do Things Down In Juarez ...

Andrew and I had some way fun company this past weekend - my college suitemate Georgia and her adorable little boy Spartacus*. Look at that smile! Spartacus is 10 months old and an expert crawler and puller upper, so I figured the stereo and VCR were in for a bad time. But he cared little for such dreary contraptions and chose instead to devote himself entirely to ingesting the cord to the floor lamp.

Andrew & Spartacus composing a tune for Chris Sligh's next album

Georgia and I had a blast watching our boys play together, which consisted mainly of ensuring they didn't pull each other's eyes out and trying to convince one that the toy the other had really wasn't the solitary item in all the land that was worth a toot.

Andrew & Spartacus at the outset of our mall adventure

Andrew & Spartacus at the conclusion of our mall adventure

I also had the delightful opportunity to introduce Georgia to Napoleon Dynamite, a movie that fills me with a joy unmatched since I first watched The Princess Bride. I've been fighting an overwhelming desire to knock someone's glasses off with a steak ever since this most recent viewing.

My Scooter Bicks, clearly inspired by his older buddy's sweet skills, began to knee-crawl on Sunday. The breakdown of his locomotion as of today is as follows:

10% rolling

8% falling over

39% worm-crawling

43% knee-crawling

"Mamamama" has also made a distinct appearance in his chatter, which has excited me beyond all reason. He'll be chanting "mamama" while whacking coasters together and staring at the ceiling fan with a look of undying affection and I find myself shouting, "That's right! I'm Mama!!" I put him down a couple days ago to use the facilities and he started crying and worming his way frantically towards the bathroom. Never has a person felt more like a rock star. It was the first indication that he would most likely prefer me to Bin Laden, so I grabbed him up and swirled around the room with him like a deranged Barishnikov.

And now I leave you with a picture of Sallie with Blake. Chris roomed with Blake for a while and thought he was a great guy, which is too bad since you are NOT TO VOTE FOR HIM!

*Name has been changed to protect the innocent.


Georgia Girl said...

Could there ever be a sweeter Spartacus? Did you happen to see the top pic on my blog today! Great minds think alike. Send me the ones of them sleeping.

And for what reason did Andrew not share with my Sir Smiles for Miles how to say Mamamama?! I still haven't heard that sound yet. I think I am Babababa. Oh, well, I'll take what I can get.

Georgia Girl said...

PS-Caleb insisted I play Canned Heat from my ipod several times on the ride home since he wasn't allowed to stay up late enough to see ND dance-climax of the movie!

Anonymous said...

Take the celery out of your ears and listen closely. He is saying Nananananana I am sure. I'll try to teach him Mama and Dada when I think he's ready.

Poppy V said...

Sallie's probably holding the most likely male to win AI, unless Sanjaya does. Sweet kid, but I fear he'll last longer than Chris, which means this truly was not a singing competition--but a HAIR competition.

The Carsons said...

Congrats on having a crawler in the house! Girl, your world is about to change. As always, I enjoy catching up on the Mobleys and having a few minutes of entertaining writing to engage me!

Love the AI pictures, also--hmmm, now who do I vote for with Chris gone?

Jean Joiner said...

hilarious before/after pics of the shopping trip

Unknown said...

I'll tell you who to vote for:

Every single person except Sanjayah...

a lot. He must be stopped...

...and you have to stop him.